Tuesday, November 29, 2011

here is the part now
where i'll gather my pieces
join to one, & move forward

this is the time now
to leave you, leave everyone behind
to work toward the future
but enjoy the present
find balance.

i'll find courage, confidence, motivation

i'll try.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

a light lunch

y'know those quotes that are so cheesy you almost need some crackers but once in a while kind of secretly inspire you but you'd never admit it because they're so cliche and how could they possibly relate to a strange individual such as yourself?

this one's mine: "stay strong & make them wonder how you're still smiling."

i want to accomplish everything i want to, need to, what is expected of me, and more.
i want to do it with a smile.
i want other people to admire my hard work and the ease with which i do it all.

i think i want to convince myself i'm still on track.

here i am: a contradiction to my family

my dark-haired father, my dark-haired mother, my dark-haired brother, 
my dark-skinned, dark-eyed family; and here i am:
a blonde-haired, blue-eyed aryan with translucent skin.

my hunting and gathering father, my following-in-his-footsteps brother;
november is the month of months, neon orange and camouflage adorn their bodies
as they proudly carry home their hard earned food for their family 
but i politely refuse it because here i am:
in spite of accepting animals as more than friends, a vegetarian.

my only brother, my enlisted brother, 
a marine now despite not yet graduating high school but ready to leave this modest Midwest state
to protect not only his immediate family but our brothers and sisters of this nation and here i am:
grateful for his sacrifices and others alike, dreading the day he leaves, and praying for the end of this nonsensical war because of my 'liberal' views. 

yet, here i am:
a daughter of my father, a daughter of my mother, a sister of my brother, 
forever surrounded by our love for one another. 
contrary to my contradictions.